
Pulling a golf ball can be a golfer’s nightmare, leading to frustratingly inaccurate shots. This common issue can be traced back to several underlying causes which, once identified and corrected, can significantly improve your game. Let’s explore practical solutions and effective drills to help you eliminate pulling the golf ball and enhance your overall performance on the course.

how to stop pulling a golf ball

Understanding the Pull Shot

A golf pull shot occurs when the ball starts left of the target (for right-handed golfers) and continues to fly straight in that direction without curving. It’s different from a hook shot, which curves left due to the spin. Understanding this distinction is crucial as it helps in identifying the right corrective measures. A pulled shot often results from improper alignment, incorrect swing path, or flawed body rotation.

Common Causes of a Pulled Golf Shot

Several factors contribute to pulling the golf ball. Identifying these causes is the first step towards correcting the issue:

  1. Improper Alignment: Your body and clubface may not be correctly aligned to the target.
  2. Closed Clubface: If the clubface is closed at impact, it can cause the ball to veer left.
  3. Overactive Upper Body: Swinging too much with the upper body can disrupt the natural swing path.
  4. Swing Path Issues: A swing path that moves from outside to inside can lead to pulled shots.

Correcting Your Alignment

Aligning correctly can drastically reduce the chances of pulling the ball. Let’s break down the steps to achieve proper alignment.

Pre-Shot Routine

Developing a consistent pre-shot routine can significantly help with alignment. Here is a simple routine to follow:

  1. Visualize Your Shot: Stand behind the ball to get an overall perspective of your target line.
  2. Set Up Parallel: Position your body parallel to the target line, similar to railroad tracks.
  3. Check Stance Width: Ensure your feet are shoulder-width apart for stability.

Hands, Feet, and Clubface Alignment

Once your pre-shot routine is set, focus on aligning your hands, feet, and clubface correctly:

  1. Clubface First: Always aim your clubface at the target first before positioning your body.
  2. Feet Next: Align your feet parallel to the target line.
  3. Hand Positioning: Keep your hands ahead of the ball at address, ensuring the proper angle.

Adjusting Your Swing Mechanics

Improving your swing mechanics is essential for preventing pulled shots. Two main areas to focus on are swing path and body rotation.

Correcting Swing Path

An improper swing path is a common cause of pulled shots. Follow these tips to correct your swing path:

  1. Swing Inside Out: Practice swinging from inside to outside relative to the target line.
  2. Use Swing Aids: Devices like alignment sticks can guide your swing path.
  3. Practice in Slow Motion: Swing slowly to feel the correct path and make adjustments.

Adjusting Body Rotation

Proper body rotation ensures that your swing remains on the correct path. Focus on these aspects:

  1. Lower Body Initiates the Downswing: Start your downswing with a slight shift of weight to your front foot.
  2. Keep Upper Body in Sync: Avoid letting your upper body overtake the swing; maintain a balanced rotation.
  3. Finish in a Balanced Position: Aim for a balanced, controlled finish with your chest facing the target.

Practical Drills to Stop Pulling the Ball

Practicing specific drills can reinforce correct alignment and swing mechanics. Here are three effective drills:

Target Alignment Drill

This drill helps you align to the target correctly:

  1. Place an Alignment Stick: Position a stick parallel to your target line.
  2. Set Up & Swing: Align your body and clubface with the stick, and practice making swings.
  3. Check Ball Flight: Observe if your ball consistently starts on the target line.

Follow-Through Drill

Focus on a balanced follow-through to avoid pulling:

  1. Practice Balanced Finishes: Take practice swings, focusing on reaching a balanced finish.
  2. Hold the Finish: Hold your follow-through position for a few seconds, checking your alignment.
  3. Repeat Consistently: Repeat this drill to develop muscle memory.

Swing Path Trainer

Using a swing path trainer can help maintain the correct path:

  1. Set Up the Trainer: Position the trainer to guide your club on the correct path.
  2. Take Guided Swings: Swing with the trainer, feeling the correct inside-out motion.
  3. Remove and Repeat: Practice without the trainer to ensure you can replicate the correct path.

Equipment Adjustments

Sometimes, your equipment can contribute to pulling the ball. Consider these adjustments:

  1. Club Lie Angle: Ensure your clubs are not too upright; a professional fitting can help.
  2. Grip Adjustments: Make sure your grip size is comfortable and promotes a square clubface.

Mental Focus and Visualization

The mental aspect of golf is equally essential in correcting pulled shots. Visualization and focus play vital roles.

The Role of Visualization

Visualization helps in mentally preparing for the shot:

  1. Imagine a Straight Shot: Visualize your ball flying straight to the target.
  2. Positive Reinforcement: Picture successful past shots to build confidence.

Staying Relaxed and Focused

Staying calm and focused can prevent tension-induced pulls:

  1. Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing to relax before each shot.
  2. Clear Your Mind: Focus solely on your target and the shot at hand, avoiding distractions.


Correcting a pulled golf shot involves a mix of proper alignment, refined swing mechanics, and mental focus. By understanding the causes and incorporating the provided tips and drills, you can achieve more accurate and consistent shots on the course. Practice these techniques diligently, and watch your game improve significantly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common causes of pulling a golf ball?

Common causes include improper alignment, closed clubface, overactive upper body, and incorrect swing path.

How can alignment sticks help in correcting a pull shot?

Alignment sticks guide your setup and swing path, promoting proper alignment and reducing the chances of pulling shots.

Is professional coaching necessary to fix a pull shot?

While not mandatory, professional coaching can provide personalized guidance and expedite the process of correcting pulled shots.